About Us
We are comprised of 25 Montana Elks Lodges spread across the great State of Montana
Who We Are
We are the Montana State Elks Association. Our role is to provide charity and volunteerism benefitting Montanans and the 24 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodges within our state.
The Montana State Elks Association State Major Project is funded through the generous support of Elks Members statewide by donating a portion of their State Per Capita fee, in addition to local Lodge fundraisers. The mission of the MSEA State Major Project, is to help Montana’s 8,000 Volunteer Firefighters do their job more safely and efficiently.
We are one of 52 State Elks Associations that comprise the BPOE Elks. The BPOE is a nationwide fraternal organization of nearly one million men and women in over 2,000 Lodges in communities all across our country. Our organization is guided by our founding principles, charity, justice, brotherly love, fidelity, and belief in God.

Our Mission
We love our country and desire to preserve its cherished institutions, traditions, and values. We respect our neighbors and constantly seek to promote their well-being. We love and enjoy life and believe this enjoyment is increased by sharing it with family, friends and all with whom we connect.
Our Vision
For over 140 years, the B.P.O. Elks has been dedicated to serving our fellow citizens through Drug Awareness programs in our schools, Veterans Services, Scholarships, Youth Activities and much, much more.
Our Values
Our organization was founded on the principles of charity, justice, brotherly love, fidelity, and belief in God.
MSEA Officers
MSEA Officers make up the governance and oversight of the Montana Elks. For full contact info please use your login to Elks.org and go to the following link for additional information.
Gordon Sirrine
1st Vice President
Jim Harter
2nd Vice President
Justin Kalmbach
Sue Thario
Maria Snow
Trustee 1 yr
William (Bill) Wright
Trustee 2 yr
Belinda Schweigert
Trustee 3 yr
Galen Jaeger
District Deputy East
Zak Peterson
District Deputy West
Jim Harter
District Deputy North
Shawn Campbell
District Deputy South
Brad Nolan
Grand Lodge Representative
Special Deputy G.E.R PSP Fred Barrett
Grand Lodge State Sponsor
Past Grand Exalted Ruler Roger True
MSEA Committees
MSEA Committees are designed to provide oversight, involvement, and enhancements to each of their respective area of expertise. A full listing of each committee is listed below. Reach out to the Committee Chairperson to learn more about how they can help you meet your Lodge’s goals in each area.
Accident Prevention Program
Daryn Hendrickson – Chair
The ACCIDENT PREVENTION Committee shall preserve and protect the property, assets, and members of our Subordinate Lodges. The Committee participates in four insurance programs; property plus, liability, workers compensation and directors and officers coverage. The Committee monitors the accidents and lawsuits against the Lodges, their Officers and members, and assists with safety issues. Each District has an Insurance and Safety Committee Chairman available to assist the Lodges with questions of insurance, claims and safety.
Shelby Steyh – Chair
The AMERICANISM Committee shall formulate ways and means by which the State Association, its Lodges and members, can most effectively preserve patriotic feeling toward the government of the United States of America, and to supervise and promote programs in furtherance of said objective.
CLMS Coordinators
The CLMS Coordinator shall provide training and support in the use of the CLMS program. It shall disseminate all information received from Grand Lodge concerning the CLMS program.
Drug Awareness
The DRUG AWARENESS Committee shall actively participate in promoting the Grand Lodge program of educating the nations youth on the dangers of illicit drug use.
Elks National Foundation
The ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION Committee will engage in fund raising activities and promote ENF programs to support the http://www.elks.org/enf/mission.cfm mission of the Elks National Foundation to help Elks build stronger communities. We will encourage and support members, Lodges and Districts to achieve the Grand Exalted Rulers annual ENF per member giving goal. The Elks National Foundation is pledged to invest in communities where Elks live and work. It helps youth develop lifelong skills, sends students to college, meets the needs of today’s veterans, supports the charitable work of the state Elks Associations and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities.
Elks Training
The ELKS TRAINING Committee shall actively participate in promoting and instituting Grand Lodge training programs.
Government Relations
The GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Committee shall develop a well organized “grass roots” network of informed members throughout Montana who will be responsive to calls for assistance in combating all matters adverse to the Order of Elks on a national, state or local level. Personal relationships with government officials and legislators are to be encouraged and developed wherever possible.
Hoop Shoot
The ELKS HOOP SHOOT Free Throw Contest Committee shall serve to highlight the Elks Commitment to the nations youth, encourage family participation and help develop the character of our youth to better qualify them to become good citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.
Insurance Risk Manager
The INSURANCE RISK MANAGER shall preserve and protect the property, assets, and members of our Subordinate Lodges. The Committee participates in four insurance programs; property plus, liability, workers compensation and directors and officers coverage. The Committee monitors the accidents and lawsuits against the Lodges, their Officers and members, and assists with safety issues. Each District has an Insurance and Safety Committee Chairman available to assist the Lodges with questions of insurance, claims and safety.
State Major Project
The STATE MAJOR PROJECT Committee shall operate, manage, and control the Major Project of this Association. It shall apply and expend for charitable purposes, and no other, monies paid to the Major Project Fund by the Montana Elks or any other persons or corporations. It shall plan and execute campaigns and activities for the raising of additional monies to further said Major Project.
The MEMBERSHIP Committee shall investigate and recommend ways and means of increasing membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks within the state of Montana.
Public Relations and Marketing
The Public Relations and Marketing Committee shall investigate and recommend ways and means of enhancing Public Relations and Marketing in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks within the state of Montana.
New Lodge
In order to maintain the growth and expand the good works of our Order, it is imperative that new Lodges be instituted in every worthwhile community in our country. The NEW LODGE Committee conducts the organizational work incidental to the institution of new Lodges in the state of Idaho.
Ritual Training
The RITUAL TRAINING Committee shall formulate training programs and recommend ritual judges, word judges and calculators for certification to Grand Lodge. A Ritual Training Chairman shall be appointed from each district who shall set up training clinics in accordance with the programs of the Grand Lodge and as provided in the Grand Lodge Ritualistic Manual, to train officers, coaches, ritual judges, word judges, and calculators for the perfection of ritualistic work in the state of Idaho.
The SCHOLARSHIP Committee shall coordinate the program within the state of Montana, to conduct scholarship contests, and to award scholarships to worthy students.
Through our grants to Elks Lodges, we connect with veterans and military members in their communities, providing them with services where they live.
Youth Activities
The YOUTH ACTIVITIES Committee shall formulate ways and means by which the State Association, its Lodges and members, can most effectively assist boys and girls in the United States of America to become patriotic, capable, and law-abiding citizens, and to supervise and carry out programs in furtherance of said objective.
MSEA State Directory Request
Grow Your Herds
The success of the MSEA and Elks Grand Lodge mission depends on our efforts to increase our herds. Talk to your family, co-workers and friends today about joining the Elks!